Effortlessly Plan Your 1st & 2nd Graders’ Earth Day with These 10 Books and Activities

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There is no bigger responsibility than educating our future generations on the importance of preserving the Earth. With April 22, just around the corner, let’s mark the occasion with some engaging ❤️Earth Day read-alouds and Earth Day activity pages for your 1st or 2nd grade classrooms.

Earth day activity pages

Not only will these books and lessons bring awareness to Earth Day, but they will also inspire students to make a positive impact every day. Let’s make Earth Day a celebration that lasts all year long!


read alouds

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How the Crayons Saved
the Earth

Picture1jkjkjk Teaching Times 2by Monica Sweeney

Something is happening to our big green and blue Earth! But what can crayons do to save the Earth? Listen and read to see how they put their heads together to find a way to save the Earth.

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read alouds

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It’s Earth Day
Picture1ll Teaching Times 2by Mercer Mayer

You’ve Little Critter wants to do his part to help the Earth. He is trying to show his family different ways that they help to save the Earth. Learn about not wasting energy and water with this wonderful fun book for Earth Day.

>>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<

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earth day

Earth Day Every Day
Picture1r 1 Teaching Times 2by Lisa Bullard

A little girl named Trina forms an Earth Day club. She wants to help save the Earth. Discover how to reduce and recycle things that will make a big difference in helping the Earth.

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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read alouds

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Why Should I Recycle?
Picture1hllllhlhlh Teaching Times 2by Jen Green


A great book to explain to children in simple terms and concepts why recycling is so important and what they can do every day to help protect Planet Earth!

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<



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I Can Save the Earth
Earth Day 1 1 Teaching Times 2by Alison Inches

Meet Max the Little Monster. He is a cute, furry green monster who is an environmental nightmare. Among other things, he leaves on all the lights, keeps his computer plugged in, blasts the TV, hoards his old toys and uses so much toilet paper it clogs the toilet until finally, his excessive ways cause a power outage. With no TV to watch, computer to play on, video games to play with, Max finds there is a whole big world outside that he can make a difference in the environment.

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<

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read alouds


Captain Green and the Plastic Scene
eath day 2 Teaching Times 2by Evelyn Bookless

Dolphin is tangled up in plastic, and there’s trouble for Seagull and Turtle too. When our brave superhero rushes off to help, he finds himself on a major mission: saving sea creatures from plastic. Using his incredible powers, Captain Green promises to save the day. But can he clean up this mess for good?

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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read alouds

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Earth Day – Hooray
earth day 3 Teaching Times 2by Stuart Murphy

Earth Day is on the way, and Ryan, Luke, and Carly have a plan. If they manage to collect and recycle 5,000 aluminum cans, they can make enough money to buy some beautiful flowers for nearby Gilroy Park. CAN they do it?

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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The Life of a Plastic Bottle
earth day 4 1 Teaching Times 2by Lisa Bullard

Have you ever wondered what happens to plastic bottles when you no longer need them? This lovely bedtime story helps children understand how and why we should recycle our plastic.

Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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read alouds

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The Earth Gives More
earth day 5 1 Teaching Times 2by Sue Fliess

The Earth Gives More read aloud for children is a great book for Earth Day for Kids because it shows us all the wondrous things the Earth does for us and how we can give back! This poetic Kid Time Story Time will take us through all 4 seasons, and Story Teller ends up singing part of the book! 

>Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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It’s Earth Day Tiny
earth day 7 Teaching Times 2by Carl Meister

It’s Earth Day, and Tiny and Elliott are on their way to the park, picking up litter and throwing it in the trash. At the park, a friend asks for help transporting trees to plant. But when they discover there aren’t any shovels for digging, they’re not sure what to do! Can Tiny find a way to save the day and help the planet?

Watch and Listen YouTube Link<<


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Related Spring & Earth Day Must Haves
>> Spring Color by Number Addition & Subtraction to 20 

>>  Editable Weekly or Monthly Newsletters for ALL YEAR 

>>  Earth Day Hundreds Chart FREE DOWNLOAD                  Earth Day activity pages 1 Teaching Times 2

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