#ClassroomLaughs: Unleash Laughter and Learning with These April Fool’s Day Books Read-Alouds

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These April Fool’s Day books for the classroom are hilarious. Do you remember the thrill of playing a harmless prank on your friends and family on April Fools’ Day? As the old saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine,” and what better way to celebrate this mischievous holiday than with books that will have your students rolling on the floor with laughter?Slide11 Teaching Times 2

With April Fools’ Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to explore the world of humorous children’s literature in the classroom with top April Fools’ Day books for kids that will not only entertain but also teach valuable lessons about humor, creativity, and critical thinking. Get ready to surprise and delight your students with these must-read books for the season with our watch and listen links below! Picture10 1 Teaching Times 2


Barnyard Fun
by Maureen Wrightaf1 Teaching Times 2

When Sheep found out it was April One, he said, “It’s time to have some fun!” Sheep set his alarm an hour ahead. It woke up Rooster in his bed. Sheep plays April Fool’s jokes on Rooster, Dog, Pig and Cow. Then Horse decides to play a trick on Sheep-and the farm animals have the biggest laugh of all!




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April Foolishness
by Teresa Batemanf19105c8 f6a6 4574 9026 ec8dbfa6b906 Teaching Times 2

It’s a spring morning on the farm. Grandma is happy the grandkids are visiting―they’ve picked just the right day!―and Grandpa is fixing breakfast. Suddenly his grandson reports that the cows have got loose! He thinks Big Brown Bessie just stepped on a goose! “Good gracious,” Grandpa says as he pours himself a glass of milk. When his granddaughter shouts the chickens are out, Grandpa cooks up some eggs. Pigs broke the gate” Grandpa fries bacon. Why is Grandpa so cool? Because he knows the kids are trying to play an April Fool’s trick.




april fool's day


One Funny Day
by Kate McMullanapril fool's day

Wagner has been fooled by just about everyone this April Fools’ Day–his best friend Pearl, his teacher, and even the librarian. Tired of being on the receiving end of all the pranks, Wagner is determined to have the last laugh. Listen to this April Fool’s Day Book for all the fun.




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April Fool! Watch Out at School!
by Diane deGroatapril fool's day


It’s April Fools’ Day, and Gilbert is looking forward to playing tricks on his friends. Unfortunately, he’s the one getting tricked by everyone else, including Mrs. Byrd! But the worst prankster is Lewis the bully.





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Arthur’s April Fool!
by Marc Brownapril fool's day


In Arthur’s April Fool, Arthur prepares to perform his magic tricks for the April Fool’s Day school assembly while trying to keep the class bully from pulverizing him.




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Related April Must Haves:
>>  April Fool’s Day Writing Craftivity & Joke Jar
>> I’m “Not Lion” April Fool’s Day Blog Post

>> Seasonal/Holiday Board Diplays for ALL YEAR


April Fools Day Products

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