We are twin teachers that have 20 years of experience teaching at the same school. We love teaching together!! Misty has taught 2nd grade all 20 years and loves it! And I, Kristy have taught 2nd, Kindergarten, and have found my home in 1st for the past 10 years. We enjoy teaching and collaborating together to produce the most effective and productive teaching materials for the classroom.
What we do for educators? We help enthusiastic, passionate elementary educators save time by creating engaging, effective lessons & activities so they don’t spend hours at school or home trying to prep for their everyday teaching.
Where can I get the products that are posted on your site?
All of the products that you see posted on our site can be downloaded from our shop.
Our top sellers are:
- 1st Grade & 2nd Grade ELA Common Core Assessments
- 1st Grade & 2nd Grade Math Common Core Assessments
- Holiday Hundreds Charts for the Year – MATH
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