At the beginning of the year, one of the first skills taught or reviewed is vowels and their vowel sounds… But after teaching 2nd grade for over 20 years I have found that most students will recognize a vowel and can tell you or recite all the vowels to you.
But ask them what a consonant is and so many times they will ask-What is that? So below we have some exciting activities that you can incorporate into your everyday lessons to excite and engaged your students with vowels and consonants.
So one of the very first fun lessons I introduce is the
Seriously the students ask for me to play the video below over and over- even weeks after the lesson you can hear them reciting this and asking to watch it again and again. They LOVE it!!
We discuss what are vowels and what are consonants:
Then we get out our crayons out and NAME GAME SHEET
I write each student’s name one at a time up on the board and they write it on a line. Then, I give them a specific color to use to circle the vowels in the name as we discuss. So we get to see how many vowels and how many consonants are in each name. They love seeing their name and this gives more ownership in the learning.
Extra Activity: Names Collage
This is another exciting and fun activity to incorporate into your lesson- I have a poster board that I cut up into rectangles and write each student’s name onto. Then I give them each small pieces of colored paper to glue on their names. At first I just have them cover the vowels and after we talk about the vowels and consonants in their name, they cover all letters. I put this on display outside my door and the kiddos take them home at the end of the year.
Please use this pic for pinning on
your pinterest board