Fun Classroom Election Day Activities for Elementary Students

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Classroom Election Day
Attention all elementary teachers! It’s never too early to teach our little ones about the importance of Election Day. Instead of diving into complex topics like candidates and policies, let’s focus on the essential act of voting for what we want. And what better way to do so than with a fun and engaging Class Treat Vote? classroom election day

We enjoy doing a Class Treat Vote on Classroom Election Day and students always love it! Just get some cookies or chips (or any treat you want) and let your class show off their voting skills. You can grab all the materials you need from our Class Election Kit Here! 


Before your class votes, you’ll need to go to the store and get the candidates for your election. Our kit has the ballots for Chocolate Cookies vs. Vanilla Cookies, Cool Ranch Doritos vs. Nacho Cheese Doritos, and an editable ballot if you want to add your own candidates.

We usually use Chocolate Cookies vs.  Vanilla Cookies, but you can choose what’s best for your class!

Election Day Classroom Set Up


On the day of, get ready to rock the vote in your elementary classroom on election day! Transform your room into a mini polling station with eye-catching signs and a makeshift ballot box. We cover a large box in yellow paper and cut a hole in the top and tape my ballot box or voting booth sign to the front.classroom election day

Slide7 Teaching Times 2

Explaining Voting to the Students

We always read the book  (you can grab it here) to help students better understand how voting and an election works. Then, we tell the students to get ready for an exciting opportunity to participate in a classroom election! That’s right, today we will be holding our very own election and you get to be a part of it!

Fun Voting Gear

We print out the crowns and color to wear after the voting while enjoying our snack. We also wear our ” I Voted” bracelets. The kiddos love and anticipate  the waiting to see if what they voted for won the class vote.

Graphing Page Examples

Above you can see some examples of the graphing pages. It’s so much fun for the students to count up the votes when everyone is finished casting their ballot! This fun activity takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete. This is always a favorite and students ask to do it again and again. You can grab the entire Class Election Day Kit HERE! Happy Voting!!


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Classroom Election Day

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