***2.OA- Operations and Algebraic Thinking***
√ 4 pgs. one step word problems addition (without regrouping)
√ 4 pgs. one step word problems subtraction (without regrouping)
√ 4 pgs. one step word problems addition (with regrouping)
√ 4 pgs. one step word problems subtraction (with regrouping)
√ 2 pgs. one step word problems addition and subtraction
(with and without regrouping)
√ 4 pgs. 2 step word problems addition and subtraction
√ 2 pgs. Write addition and subtraction number sentence for a given number, Write yes if the number sentences is true-write no if false, Write a number sentence for each problem solving question
√ 2 pgs. of Draw/Write different combinations of number sentences for a given number
2.OA.2- Math Facts to 20√ 2 pgs. addition facts (0-5)
√ 2 pgs. subtraction facts (0-5)
√ 2 pgs. addition facts (0-10)
√ 2 pgs. subtraction facts (0-10)
√ 2 pgs. addition facts (0-20)
√ 2 pgs. subtraction facts (0-20)
2.OA.3- Odd/even /comparing objects
√ 3 pgs. circling objects in groups of twos to determine if the amount given is an even or odd amount
√ 4 pgs. identifying numbers and groups of objects as odd or even
2.OA.4- Arrays
√ 7 pgs. writing an addition sentence that goes with each array/ drawing objects to make a array for a given number
***2.NBT- Number Operations/Base Ten***
2.NBT.1– Hundreds, tens and ones- place value
√ 2 pgs. counting base ten blocks and write the number in number words(word form)
√ 2 pgs. write the number that is represented by ex.
3 hundreds 2 tens 5 ones
√ 1 pg. counting base ten blocks and write the number in word form and write the number that is represented ex. 3 hundreds 2 tens 5 ones
√ 2 pgs. circle the value of the underlined number
ex. 325- 2 20 200
2.NBT.2- Count within 1000 by 5’s, 10, 100’s
√ 4 pgs. counting by 5’s to 1000
√ 4 pgs. counting by 10’s to 1000
√ 2 pgs. of counting by 100’s to 1000
√ 2 pgs. Fill in the missing numbers starting at different given numbers to 1000
2.NBT.3- Expanded Form/Base Ten to 1000
√ 4 pgs. of write a number in expanded form, word form and base ten blocks
2.NBT.4- Comparing 2 three digit numbers with ,<,>,=
√ 4 pgs. write <,>,or =
2.NBT.5- Add and subtract within 100
√ 2 pgs. of breaking the numbers into tens and ones for adding or subtracting (1 pg for addition and 1 pg for subtraction)
√ 2 pgs of addition within 100
√ 2 pgs. of subtraction with 100
√ 1 pg. of addition and subtraction mixed with 100
2.NBT.6- Adding four two digit numbers
√ 4 pgs. of adding 4 two digit numbers
2.NBT.7- Adding and subtracting with 1000
√ 2 pgs. of breaking the numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones for adding and subtracting (1 pg. for addition and 1 pg. for subtraction)
√ 2 pgs. 3 digit addition
√ 2 pgs. 3 digit subtraction
√ 1 pg. 3 digit addition and subtraction
2.NBT.8- Mentally add or subtract 10 or 100
√ 2 pgs adding 10 or 100 to a given number
√ 2 pgs subtracting 10 or 100 to a given number
√ 2 pgs. adding and subtracting 10 to a given number
√ 2 pgs. adding and subtracting 100 to a given number
√ 5 pgs. adding and subtraction 10 or 100 to a given number
2.NBT.9- Explain addition and subtraction strategies
√ 2 pgs fact families
√ 5 pgs Explain your number sentence answer with drawings, words or numbers
*** 2.G-Geometry***
2.G.1- Attributes of 2-d and 3-d shapes
√ 2 pgs 2-d shapes (pentagon, hexagon, octagon ,rectangle, triangle, square, and circle)
√ 2 pgs 3-d shapes
√ 1 pg. quadrilaterals
2.G.2- Partitioning a rectangle
√ 3 pgs partitioning a rectangle into a given number of rows/columns
√ 2 pgs how many rows and columns
2.G.3- Halves, thirds, fourths- fractions
√ 4 pgs halves, thirds and fourths
√ 1 pg identifying fractions
*** 2.MD- Measurement and Data***
2.MD.1- Appropriate tool
√ 2 pgs choose the appropriate tool to measure the real world object (1 pg with a meter stick and 1 pg without a meter stick)
2.MD.2- Measuring same object twice
√ 1 pg of class rulers
√ 2 pgs measuring objects twice using inches and centimeters
2.MD.3- Estimate length
√ 2pgs estimating length of real world objects(1 pg with meters, 1 pg without meters)
2.MD.4- Length difference
√ 2 pgs of comparing objects on a ruler and telling their difference
2.MD.5- Measurement word problems
√ 2 pgs addition and subtraction word problems with the same measurement
2.MD.6- Number line
√ 2 pgs representing addition and subtraction sentences to 100 on a number line
√ 1 pg filling in the missing numbers on the number line to 100
2.MD.7- Telling Time
√ 3 pgs. identifying the time on a clock and writing the hands on clock to represent a given time
2.MD.8- Money
√ 2 pgs identifying amounts of coins
√ 2 pgs money word problems
2.MD.9- Line plotting
√ 3 pgs of line plotting with measurement ( 1 page with given measurements-
2.MD.10- Bar and picture graph
√ 2 pgs bar graphing
√ 2 pgs picture graphing